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July 16, 2022

Thomas McLoughlin Solicitor


I am the solicitor. There is a negative review here that is false. The person was an ex client who had an AVO court order against them for 2 years for menaces and threats. This was despite successfully having 4 charges against the ex client dismissed with no convictions. This was hard work and the client has crossed many ethical boundaries includ... [See More]

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December 01, 2023

Greg Meakin


This guy was amazing on all levels, I had the police get together and collaborate a story against me. He said to me don't worry mate if they are lying I'll expose them. That's exactly what he did! Made them look like fools and had it thrown out of court. I highly recommend him and I won't be going anywhere else if I'm ever in trouble [See More]

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July 16, 2022

Thomas McLoughlin Solicitor


I am the solicitor. A negative review was left by an ex client who was violent and subject to a court AVO to not contact me for 2 years. Yet I achieved dismissal of 4 criminal convictions for the same person. So this the tge thanks I get for doing a good job as a lawyer. This client crossed all kinds of boundaries. And does so again true to form. [See More]

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